quiz main image
Where in the body is your scapula?


  • Neck
  • Shoulder blade
  • Arm
  • Leg

TEST YOURSELF: Only A Genius Can Score Over 70% In This Quiz!

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Thought you had completed every possible quiz to test your intelligence? You were sorely mistaken.

If you think that this quiz is going to prove to be little or no problem, or that the majority of the questions could be answered and a scant few would test you – again, you think wrong. Only a genius is going to come out on top in this case.

These questions should be hard! So hard that this quiz should addle your mind and confuse your senses.

Well, let’s see what you’re made of…

Do you have normal intelligence, superior intelligence or are you a genius? Take the test to see where your intellect gets you!

Good luck (you’ll need it)!