- 1929
- 1938
- 1945
TEST: The Ultimate Samsung Quiz!
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[addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox_r1e0"]As we all know, Samsung is an electronics powerhouse and is a household name that supplies a multitude of electrical goods that can be used every single day. However, there could well be some things that you may be unaware of, regarding this world renowned company.
Samsung was established in 1938 in Korea by Lee Byung-Chul and was a small enterprise to start with. Over the next 3 decades the group diversified into sectors that included food, processing, textiles, insurance, security and retail.
Believe it or not, Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s.
The company further expanded in the mid 1970s by entering both the construction and shipbuilding industries.
Since 1990, Samsung has increasingly globalised it’s activities to become the household name that it is today, particularly emphasising on electrical goods and taking the market by storm.
Unbeknown to some, Samsung has a powerful influence on South Korea’s economic development, politics, media, culture and even the military.
We wanted to test all tech experts out there by creating a fun and simple quiz on Samsung. Answer the below questions to find out whether you’re a technical legend or not!
Good luck and don’t forget to share!