How much do you like performing?
- A lot
- I don't
QUIZ: Which RuPaul Judge Are You?
Share Your Results!
[addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox_r1e0"]If you haven’t seen RuPauls Drag Race you must’ve been living under a rock. If you have, I’m sure you’re a HUGE fan, conDRAGulations. It’s introduced us to a whole new world and we’re living for it. It’s a world full of glitz and glam, performance and transformation. We’ve also learned a whole new language (YAAS queen).
It provides us with a fair share of drama, lip sync battles, dancing and throwing shade – what’s not to love?
Who do you think that you are most like… are you more Carson Kressley, Ross Mathews, or even RuPaul himself?
Play the quiz to see which RuPaul judge you would be…