- Pick
- Pass
QUIZ: Pick Or Pass On These 80s’ Heart Throbs And We Will Select Your Dream Man
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[addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox_r1e0"]Ah, the 80s – a glorious time for rock n’ roll, spandex, teen romance movies and most importantly… heartthrobs!
Let’s face it, everybody remembers their first crush – mostly because we had their faces plastered all over our bedroom walls and ceiling so that their face could be the last thing we see before we sleep off to slumberville where we would, hopefully, dream about our one true love… whoever it may be that week.
Well, if you were lucky enough to grow up in the 80s, chances are that your first ever crush was one of the handsome hunks featured in this quiz. From Rob Lowe to Johnny Depp, Will Smith to Blair Underwood, there was plenty of eye candy to go around… but that begs the question, who was your ULTIMATE 80s dream guy?
Never fear! Because that’s what we’re here to help you figure out. Simply tell us which of these heartthrobs you would either Pick or Pass on, and we’ll reveal to you exactly who your number one teen dream of the 80s was… and most probably still is today (it’s okay, you can admit it!)
So what are you waiting for!? Get clicking now! And most importantly… enjoy!