Who is this?
- Troye Sivan
- Connor Maynard
- Pewdiepie
QUIZ: Name The Youtuber & We Know Your Age
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[addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox_r1e0"]Can you name the Youtuber? With more than 31 million Youtube channels out there that is a LOT to know – let’s see how you can do.
There are gaming channels, beauty channels, lifestyle Youtubers… and practically a channel for everything you could possibly think of. For example, if you don’t know how to do something, the first port of call is a Youtube tutorial, and there’s one (or hundreds) for everything.
Do you know Zoella from Vanossgaming? Can you tell Alfie Deyes from Cameron Dallas? If so – then you might be a Youtuber pro.
Take the quiz to see if you can name these Youtubers.