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Have you been diagnosed with a personality disorder?


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  • No

QUIZ: Are You A Pathological Liar?

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Everybody lies. At one time or another all people have said something that wasn’t true. People might lie to protect another person’s feelings or to get, and stay out of, trouble. Sometimes people tell small lies to avoid conflict, like saying they can’t get a sitter to go out to dinner with a friend when they are just too tired and unmotivated to get dressed for a night out. Social contracts permit these types of lies and allow interpersonal relationships to continue without a hiccup (hallelujah!).

However, there are times when the level of lying becomes problematic. You may sometimes encounter a person who appears to lie all the time and, seemingly, for no good reason. In these cases, you might find that you are dealing with a pathological liar… or, y’know, you may just be one.

Wanna find out? Answer these following questions honestly and we’ll tell you!