Parker Scott Mathers Biography & Relation with Eminem!
Who is Parker Scott Mathers? Is Eminem his father?
There is very little information available about Parker Scoot Mathers. Let us know the story of Parker Scott alongside his mother and the entire family.

Who Is Parker Scott Mathers?
It is a burning question as to who Parker is, and the answer is Eminem’s stepson. Though he does not have any kind of affiliation with Eminem, he is the real son of Kim.
Parker Scott Mathers is the only son of Kimberly Anne Scott among all her children. She has publicly accepted Parker being her child. Both Eminem and Kim have come to the conclusion that Parker does not belong to Eminem and only Hailey is his son.
You may be amazed to know that Parker lives a very simple life and does not mention anything about his personal life. Very little information is available about Parker Scott Mathers but what we know is that he is very average.
Well, you can always search about him on Google or other search engines. However, we don’t think there will be any result whatsoever. It happened mostly due to her notorious mother, who always stays in the headlines.
So, basically, he is the son of Kimberly Anne Scott. Most of his personal life is away from the media and news but people do know about him. Due to Kim’s unorganized lifestyle, Parker had to suffer a lot.
Parker Scott Mathers Parents

We have already mentioned that very little information is available about Parker Scott Mathers. Moreover, his father is still unknown, and his mother, Kim, did not yet disclose his identity.
With an unknown father, it’s hard to live a life. For Parker, it is hard from childhood to see his mother becoming the talk of the town again and again. Though Eminem has adopted all other siblings of Parker but not him.
Kimberly Anne Scott said,
“I just really needed attention from somebody. I was lonely, and didn’t have very good self-esteem. I am sure that had something with it too. Probably everything. We both had our moments of infidelity.”
You can already understand the mental situation of Parker Scott Mathers after learning about his mother.
Kimberly Anne Scott – Parker Scott Mother

If you are a fan of Eminem, you already know about Kim and the family. Kim has popularity because of the two of them marrying Eminem. However, their marriage was like a bad storm. Suddenly they are married, and they get divorced because of Kim’s unstable life.
She has been doing drugs and lots of other bad work that led her to prison. One year after marriage, Eminem caught her kissing another rapper at a car garage which made him furious. He could not control his anger and started hitting the rapper with a 9mm gun.
Kim was never stable with one person as she had many ups and downs in her life. She remarried Eminem and again got divorced.
These situations caused Hailey a lot of stress which she opened up with people after a long time.
Kim was again arrested for using drugs, so she is not popular among society either. She now has dedicated her life as a writer. Many books are published through various publications that indicate her entire life story.
According to various websites we learned about Kim’s previous life. Well, only celebcritics has that detailed information about her.
Personal Life
If you think that you can find something about Parket Scott well, you are in no luck. There is no information regarding his personal life or media life. He never openly discloses his identity and does not discuss his life.
There are no social media claims or news about Kim’s only son. As a mother, Kim was never responsible though she tried to be a good mother for Hailey that did not go well either.
Also, Eminem never tried to communicate with him not even as the media informs.
Treated like an unwanted child, Parker Scott Mathers stays calm and away by his own terms. Maybe he lives alone or maybe he contacts with rest of his stepsisters. However, judging from no media coverage about him. We can conclude that he is indeed a good person and lives an average life.