90s school discos were shamelessly good fun, made even more so by the presence of these common sights. How many do you remember?
1. All the Girls Going to the Bathroom Together…
2. …While the Boys Slide on their Knees
3. At Least One Boy Wearing Flames
Flames were ‘his thing’.
4. Girls Doing a Perfectly Choreographed Dance Routine
They’d obviously spent weeks rehearsing in their bedrooms in preparation for the disco.
5. More Sugar Than You Physically Needed
Before booze, we had sugar – and lots of it. Hello, pixie sticks, my old friend.
6. Robbie Williams’ Angels Playing as the Last Dance
*Sighhhh* Oh Robbie
7. The Girl with the Super 90s Hair
Give her credit: she gave it a try (and went immediately back to normal hair the next day at school)
8. Everybody Having a Great Time
It was all a lot of innocent fun!