1. Dairylea Lunchables

image source: reddit.com

This wasn’t so much a snack as a whole meal – at least that’s what our parents thought when they put it as the signature dish of our packed lunches – and we really didn’t realise at the time how plasticy those pieces of ham and cheese really were. And don’t get us started on having an uneven number of crackers!

2. Fruit Winders

image source: reddit.com

The deceptive thing about the 90s and 00s was that anything that had ‘fruit’ in the name we considered to be a healthy snack. Now we know better. In the case of Fruit Winders, which were ridiculously addictive, we thought we were definitely getting our 5 a day!

3. Sunny D

image source: reddit.com

The real question here is were you a California style or a Florida style? Sunny D was one of the best orange juice drinks – and the reason for that was that it was so unhealthy it tasted good. One lesson we’ve learned is that if orange juice tastes good, it’s because it’s got far too much sugar!

4. Rainbow Drops

image source: reddit.com

These were so light and airy that we couldn’t possibly understand they were unhealthy for us, because it was like we were eating clouds! Rainbow drops were an elite snack because you could pile a whole load of them in your mouth at once for that extra satisfying chomp.

5. Milkybar Choo

image source: reddit.com

What was even better than a regular Milkybar? A Milkybar chew, of course! There was just something about having that extra bit to sink your teeth into rather than the flat variety. And this snack definitely delivered on its promise, because it was so darn chewy!

6. Turkey Twizzlers

image source: reddit.com

Turkey Twizzlers were the go-to snack for when you were peckish, and for when your parents really couldn’t be bothered making you something more complicated (and we weren’t complaining). Pair with some smiley face potatoes, baked beans or turkey dinosaurs and you had the perfect gourmet meal.

7. Fabulous Bakin’ Boys Choccy Cupcakes

image source: deliciousdelicacies.org

These cupcakes were out of this world – no other cupcake could compare to this brand. The chocolate to sponge ratio was so perfect  – where other cupcakes seemed to be more cup than cake, these were loaded with a huge chunk of chocolate to bite into, with a texture like no other!

8. Banana Bubbles

image source: reddit.com

If there’s one thing that defined our childhoods in the 90s and 00s, it was cereal made to taste like something else (and less than healthy). We had Nesquik chocolate balls, but we also had the banana bubbles that – even though tasted like banana – we knew wasn’t a healthy dose of potassium.

9. Melody Pops

image source: reddit.com

Because what was more annoying than actually whistling? Whistling through a lollipop. Whoever thought this was a good idea to hand out as a snack to school kids should’ve slept on it. Needless to say, this was our teacher’s worse nightmare if we came back from lunch with one of these!

10. Atomic Fireballs

image source: reddit.com

Was it really the 00s if you didn’t blow your mouth off with atomic candy? You were either a kid who craved red hot candy, or you were one who didn’t get the appeal. Either way, this was a guaranteed box of a whole load of sugar with a side helping of ‘can’t feel my tongue’.

11. Dairy Milk Dispenser

image source: reddit.com

Eating Cadbury Dairy Milk bars was too predictable – too boring. We instead needed to earn our Dairy Milks by operating a dispenser machine so that we could feel like we’d won a prize. These Cadbury Dairy Milk dispensers were definitely on every kid’s Christmas list.

12. Space Raiders

image source: reddit.com

Pickled onion was definitely the superior choice for these – and guaranteed to stink out every school classroom at their peak. Did we care? Nope, because they tasted great. There were a ton of Space Raider flavors, but the green or the red were the superior choices – and back when they were only 10p!

13. Bubbaloo

image source: reddit.com

You either cared more about the chewy, bubbly shell, or you crazed the gooey middle – there was no in between. Eating these was an experience, just waiting for that raspberry flavored gel to coat your teeth and give your dentist something to cry about! Good times.

14. Um Bongo

image source: reddit.com

At one point, Um Bongos were in every vending machine, as well as every kid’s lunch box! Sunny D step aside, because this drink, right from down in the Congo, was the superior choice. If there’s one thing you can say defined your childhood from the 90s/00s, it has to be Um Bongo – just because it’s fun to say.

15. Push Pops

image source: reddit.com

Let’s be honest – these doubled as an addictive lollypop and a makeshift weapon to poke your friend with. Lick them for long enough and the Push Pop turned into the perfect spiked sword. The best part about these was that they came in a ton of flavors, including sour.

16. Anglo Bubbly

image source: flossytreats.com

One of the most memorable chewing gum varieties from this era has to be the Anglo Bubbly – there was just something about the way it felt. This one didn’t really have a taste, either, but it was one of those that blew the best bubbles. We didn’t chew them because they tasted good – we did it because we wanted to blow bubbles!

17. Panda Pops

image source: reddit.com

School discos wouldn’t be complete without a table full of Panda Pops. These drinks have to be the unhealthiest thing from this era – even thinking about those sweet, sweet flavors now puts my teeth on edge – but so worth it at the time! You’d think being illuminous would be enough to warn us off, but nope.

18. Cheesestrings

image source: reddit.com

Cheesestrings weren’t just a snack, they were a way of life. It wasn’t just about eating them – it was about buying the Twisted ones and watching it go round and round in perfect circles. Yes, cheesestrings still exist these days, but you have to be a 90s kid to truly understand how important they were.

19. Choc Dips

image source: reddit.com

This was the perfect after school snack – it was one you took your time with, trying to get the perfect portion of chocolate dip on your stick to make sure you wouldn’t run out with some sticks left. It took talent and concentration, and not something you could do with others watching you.

20. Hubba Bubba

image source: reddit.com

But the winner of number one snack – and chewing gum – from the 90s/00s has to be the Hubba Bubba. It didn’t blow bubbles very well, which is why you had to wedge a million pieces into your mouth at once just in hope of getting one. And it tasted so addictive! Which was your favourite?


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