1. Embrace It

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Content Originally Sourced: Femanin.com

It is easy to ignore and dismiss our anxious thoughts and feelings, but experts say the best thing to do is embrace anxiety. This way you can start the journey of understanding how you truly feel and why. When digesting this is it important not to criticize yourself, as embracing these feelings means fully accepting how you feel, whilst still knowing you can function well.

2. Reality Check

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Anxiety’s superpower is making us believe our thoughts will definitely happen. When you’re feeling anxious, it can be helpful to ask yourself “how likely is this to really happen?” By doing this, your anxious thoughts can be squashed and it can help you think with a calmer mind.

3. Understanding Yourself

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Fully embracing your anxiety is a great start, but it is important to know that anxiety won’t just disappear. To help with this, professionals recommend finding out what triggers your anxious thoughts. Look inward, and figure out what it is inside of you that makes you feel the way you do!

4. Sharing = Caring

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Sharing your anxieties with someone you trust can be a game-changer. Instead of ignoring anxious thoughts, talking with a loved one can help you put them in perspective. Although it can be hard not to feel like a burden, these people will also offer comfort and support when you need it most!

5. Do What You Love

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Anxiety and stress are very closely linked, so taking some time out to do something you love can really help. Experts have shared that taking a step back can help clear your head. Taking a “step back” could mean anything to you, maybe it is going for a run, listening to music, reading a book or having a dance!

6. Eat Well

Image Source/ Smithsonian Magazine

It may sound silly, but looking after yourself in the simplest of ways can help your anxious thoughts. One of these ways is to make sure you eat a balanced diet and regular meals. Not only will this fuel your body, but will give you a sense of routine.

7. Sleep!

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Getting enough sleep is crucial to looking after yourself as our bodies only repair themselves when we sleep. When you’re stressed or anxious, your body needs extra sleep and rest, so it is important to give yourself some down time. Regaining some of your energy is likely to uplift your mood, and reduce your anxiety!

8. Move Your Body

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Squeezing some exercise into your daily routine is great for your body and your mental health. This doesn’t mean you have to go and run a marathon! Moving your body can be in any way you want, including: going for a run, dancing, gym classes, or walking the dog!

9. Drink Properly

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Staying hydrated is definitely a good way to look after your body. As well as drinking lots of water, cutting your alcohol and caffeine intake can really help keep your body and mind levelled. It may seem like a small thing, but it can have a huge affect.

10. Time Out

Image Source/ Lions Roar

As well as doing the things you love, it is equally powerful to take some quiet time to yourself. Meditation can be a great thing to try here by either taking a minute to clear your thoughts and reconnect with yourself. There are many apps that can help guide you through this process!

11. Journalling

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When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, writing in a journal can be a way for you to look back over all your thoughts. Not only is it a way to release your true feelings, by doing this you can identify patterns in your thoughts and feelings. Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a good way to transport them out of your head and put them elsewhere!

12. Set Daily Goals

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Experts suggest that consistency is the most important thing when it comes to day-to-day life. By setting small daily goals and sticking to a routine, you can gain a consistency to help you feel more balanced. Make sure these are realistic goals, and don’t feel disheartened if you don’t complete your to-do list every day!

13. Breathe!

Image Source/ Harvard Health

When you feel anxious, it is easy to forget the simplest of things. In those anxious moments, inhale and exhale slowly to help you feel instantly more grounded. Regaining control of your subconscious breathing can help you reconnect with yourself, and realise that you are in fact, OK!

14. Try Some Art

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Art has been found to be a therapeutic way for people to use their hands and relax. You don’t need to be the next Picasso, but why not try some painting, colouring or even a pottery painting class to help you take your mind off things. It’s a great way to express yourself freely, and disconnect from your thoughts for a little while.

15. Turn To Your Furry Friends

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Known to relieve symptoms of anxiety and stress, animal therapy can help you truly relax and take your mind off things. This can be done visiting professional therapy centres, or even the zoo! If you can’t access these things, embrace your pets by taking them for a walk, playing with them, or even giving them a cuddle!

16. Use Your Energy Right

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When anxious and stressed, we can often build up negative energy that gets bottled up. When you next feel like this, try redirecting this energy into a short activity, this might be a short walk or cleaning. This will mean that you have achieved something, which will instantly uplift your mood!

17. Counting

Image Source/ The Cut

Maths might not be your thing, but professionals advise that in an anxious episode counting to ten can be a quick way to feel more calm. If counting to ten isn’t enough, repeating the process or counting to a higher number is another option. Think back to counting sheep to fall asleep as a child, it works in the same way!

18. Laughter

Image Source/ The Telegraph

Feeling anxious doesn’t mean you can’t have fun anymore. Finding ways to involve humour and comedy in your life is a great way to take a step back from how you feel. Finding things to laugh about will show you that there is joy in every day. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

19. Let It Go

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Addressing your anxiety is the most important thing, but it is equally important to remind yourself that you can’t control everything. So when it comes to anxiety, focusing on the things you can control and letting go of the things you can’t will help you feel a lot better.

20. Be In The Moment

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Anxiety comes day and night, and often out of nowhere. If anxious thoughts are filling your head at night, it is important to address them in the moment. Getting up out of bed to write them down is a great way to separate places for your body to rest vs places to feel anxious.

21. Positive Thoughts

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Your anxiety may bring lots of negative thoughts and it is important to balance these with positive ones. Bringing positivity into your conscious thoughts can help you remain realistic but most importantly bring you joy! Every cloud has a silver lining, so remember this when you next feel anxious!

22. Listening

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Yes, listening to your family and friends is a great way to find comfort and support, but professionals also recommend free mental wellbeing audio guides. These are designed to boost your mood, as well as offering relaxation techniques! It’s so easy to dismiss the advice being given to you, but give it a chance and it could really help!

23. Stick By Your Social Circles

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When feeling anxious it can be easy to isolate yourself from friends and family. Experts advise the best thing to do when feeling like this is to stick by them! Spending time with your loved ones and doing activities is a great way to manage your anxious thoughts.

24. 3-3-3 Rule

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Your senses are a great tool to help manage anxious thoughts and feelings. When feeling overwhelmed in the moment, try searching for three objects, three sounds and moving three body parts. This will encourage you to feel grounded and hopefully feel calmer!

25. Words Of Affirmation

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Being kind to yourself is a huge part of tackling negative and anxious thoughts. In repeating phrases such as “I am strong,” “I am safe” and “this moment will pass” can help as an encouragement for yourself. It might be silly when you begin this process, but overtime you will internalize these nice words!

26. Gratitude List

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Whilst journalling is a great way to express how you feel, writing down what you are grateful for in life can help steer you to feeling more positive. This can be anything from your favourite film, a memorable day you had, or someone in your life that you appreciate.

27. List For The Future

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Similar to a gratitude list, writing a list for the future can be helpful. This way you can see everything in one place. It can be a great way for your short-term targets to come together! Seeing your future goals in front of you can be a great source of encouragement for you to push though your anxiety!

28. Find A Professional

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Most tips for helping with your anxiety can be done yourself, but it may be best to get a professional on side. Talking to a health professional can really help guide you through your anxiety journey. Having an outsider’s perspective can provide another angle of helping your anxiety that you might not have thought of before!

29. Visit A Doctor

Image Source/ The Wall Street Journal

Similar to talking to a health professional, some people find medication for anxiety also helps them on their journey. The best way to go about this is to see your doctor and talk to them about how your thoughts, feeling and triggers. Don’t feel defeated if you feel you need to go to the doctors office, they are there to help!

30. Stick At It!

Image Source/ YouWorkForThem

Wherever your anxiety journey takes you the most important thing you can do is stick at it! Consistency in your exercise, affirmations or medical treatment will add up and have a larger impact than you think! We are by no means professional experts, so utilize your resources to help you through your anxiety.


Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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