1. The baby’s head is the largest part of their body

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Content Originally Sourced: Femanin.com
One fact that you don’t necessarily think of as a new mom is that babies’ heads are so much bigger than any other parts of their bodies. And typically, they greet the world head first. So if you have a natural birth, at least you get that part out of the way quickly!
2. Oxytocin is magical
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It’s true that when it comes to labor and childbirth, there is a magical hormone called oxytocin that your body releases to help your uterus contract and get ready to birth your baby. And an enormous oxytocin pulse also occurs just after birth which helps new moms to birth the placenta and prevent excess bleeding. And it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling…
3. The amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby contains small amounts of baby pee
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The baby spends its life in utero in a warm sack of protective amniotic fluid that contains nutrients, hormones, and antibodies. And at the start of pregnancy, this fluid is mostly made up of water until about 20 weeks when it is then mostly made up of the baby’s urine.
4. Sometimes, babies have their first bowel movement before they’re born
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Occasionally, babies have their very first bowel movement whilst they are still inside the womb. Their bowel movement is made up of a substance called meconium. And sometimes, but quite rarely, if a baby ingests this during birth, it can have some health consequences.
5. The umbilical cord is a spiral
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The baby’s umbilical cord is a really magical thing. It is made up of three blood vessels and provides food and oxygen to the baby from the mother. If you have a chance to see it, it has a really interesting appearance and can look like an endless and beautiful spiral.
6. Lightening crotch is a thing
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If you have ever been pregnant before, or are currently expecting, you might have heard other women talk about an unfortunate phenomenon named lightening crotch. This is when women experience sharp, sudden pain throughout their pelvic region and vagina and it is sometimes mistaken for early signs of labor.
7. Water can be relaxing
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Some women elect to have a water birth. This means that they will enter a warm pool whilst they are in labor and the idea is that the water will be therapeutic and help them to relax, easing some of the aches and pains of labor. Some women say that the water was so effective, they required little pain relief when they were in labor and giving birth.
8. Doulas can provide amazing support
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Some new moms choose to employ a Doula. Birth doulas are separate entities for the medical staff and midwives at the hospital or birthing center and can provide new moms with emotional and practical support leading up to their labor and also during their labor. Doulas get to know their new moms well and can help them plan their births, as well as being a voice for the mom, making sure their wishes are met.
9. Be sure to take a look at your placenta!
Image Source: BirthMatters
The placenta is a truly incredible organ. It develops to nourish your baby whilst you carry them in your womb and acts as their lungs and kidneys whilst they’re in utero. It’s worked hard for you both and is also a really beautiful organ to look at, so make sure you get a glimpse of it (if you can peel your eyes away from your baby!)
10. There is a mucus plug that is released at the start of labor
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Many moms are unaware of some of the early signs of labor. And one of these many women are surprised to experience is the loss of a mucus plug. It forms in the cervical canal during pregnancy and prevents bacteria from entering the uterus. In early labor, this plug is released and usually has a jelly-like texture that is either clear or has a pinkish/reddish tinge.
11. New moms might experience afterpains
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Many new moms experience contractions after they have given birth. These are typically labeled as afterpains and can be quite uncomfortable. But they are usually nothing to worry about and are usually a sign of your uterus contracting and shrinking back to its previous size.
12. The placenta is delivered a short time after the baby
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When you have finally delivered your baby, your body is not finished yet! In fact, it still has a whole heap of work to do, including delivering your placenta. Your body will have a rush of oxytocin and this usually helps the placenta to be delivered. But sometimes, midwives will speed up the process with your consent with an injection of the artificial hormone.
13. In rare cases, the placenta might stay attached to the uterine wall
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In some very rare cases, the placenta is not released as easily and there are a few different conditions that could cause this. One of these is known as placenta retention where not all of the placenta is released and some of it is left behind. It can be serious but it is not very common.
14. Some women might experience a tear or a cut to the perineum
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The sensitive region in the bottom of your pelvic cavity, between your genitals and anus is called your perineum. And in some cases, this area can be torn or cut to allow the baby’s head to enter the world. To try to prevent the possibility of this happening, you can massage perineum oil onto this area during pregnancy to make it more supple.
15. Some women choose to have a home birth
Image Source: Pampers.com
When you are creating your birth plan it is important to understand, especially if you are a first-time mom, that you do actually have choices and can make decisions about your own labor and birth. And some women elect to give birth in the comfort of their own homes. This isn’t for everyone though as some women prefer to be amongst medical teams and some women are considered too high risk for this kind of birth.
16. The baby’s head has a soft spot and it can take months to heal
Image Source: Today
The baby’s soft spot on the top of its head is called its fontanelle. Some new parents do get worried about this area because you do need to take extra care of babies’ heads when they’re young. This is because their soft spot where their skill has not yet fused together and this can take a number of months to close.
17. Some women experience diastasis recti
Image Source: ShinyHappyPeebles
When you have a baby, your stomach muscles come apart to make room for your growing belly. And these take some time to come back together after the birth. But for some women, their muscles stay apart, making their core feel weaker and more prone to hernias. This condition is called diastasis recti.
18. Breastfeeding can be challenging at first
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No matter how you choose to feed your baby, there can be challenges to both bottle feeding and breastfeeding. But one thing you are not always told is how challenging, demanding, and painful breastfeeding can be and many women feel like they’re failing when they struggle. But remember, no matter how you choose to feed your baby, fed is best!
19. But you can get support
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The thing is though, you must remember that you are not alone. Many aspects of new motherhood are challenging even for the most seasoned parents and if you are struggling with things like breastfeeding, be sure to seek out help, there might just be a few tips and tricks that could just make your life a little easier. And if not, at least you can be reassured that it is totally normal to find it challenging!
20. It can take 9 months or longer to return to your pre-pregnancy body
Image Source: FirstFiveYears
There is often such a rush for moms to get back to their pre-pregnancy bodies. But you have got to remember that it took 9 months for your body to grow and nourish a baby, so it’s only fair that you give it the same amount of time, if not longer to return to close to what it was before. Be kind to yourself and give it time.
21. And you might need some bigger shoes
Image Source: Milk+Honey
As well as all of your maternity clothes (which you might want to keep hold of for a few months after giving birth!), you might also find that your shoes have become tighter. It is normal for your body, particularly your feet to swell when you’re pregnant and postpartum but do keep an eye on this because swelling can also be a sign of a serious health issue.
22. It is normal to have a temporary loss of bladder control
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During pregnancy, you probably experienced weaker bladder control than normal and it is also completely normal for your bladder to remain weaker than it was before after pregnancy. It is also normal to have a temporary lapse in bowel control but pelvic floor exercises can help!
23. It is completely normal to have a low mood after giving birth
Image Source: ThePositiveBirthCompany
Shortly after giving birth, usually after a few days, new moms can begin to feel really low. This is called the baby blues and usually only lasts for a short time. But if you feel like your baby blues are lasting longer than you think they should, this could be a sign of postpartum depression and you should make sure you seek help with this.
24. Not all women bond with their babies straight away
Image Source: WhatToExpectForum
As women, we are sold this perfect story of motherhood. You know the one: where we are met with this sudden overwhelming rush of love and affection for our new little addition. But this is not the reality and, in fact, it is completely normal not to feel a strong bond or, dare we say it, love, for your baby straight away. But if you’re worried, do seek help.
25. Postpartum depression and anxiety is common
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Your body and mind have gone through an absolute rollercoaster and your life will never be the same again. It’s totally normal to feel a sense of fear about your new life, but if you have low feelings or heightened anxiety that you are struggling to deal with, this could be a sign of postpartum depression or anxiety so make sure you seek support if you feel like you need it.
26. The umbilical cord can sometimes be wrapped around the baby’s neck, but this isn’t usually concerning
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If you’re lucky enough to see your baby the exact moment they greet the world, you might be pretty alarmed by the umbilical cord because sometimes, it can get wrapped around the baby’s neck. But it is usually nothing to worry about and they are untangled within seconds!
27. The first six weeks are challenging
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Your life is turned completely upsidedown and now you not only have yourself to keep alive, but you’ve also got a precious bundle of joy to look after too. It’s true that the first six weeks are so challenging while you both recover from birth and adjust to your new life so seek support from loved ones when you can. Even if it’s just so you can have a warm drink once in a while.
28. You will be exhausted
Image Source: YelloBello
Babies are no walk in the park. There’s the lack of sleep, constant feeding, diaper changes… the list is endless. And on top of all of this, you’ve got to remember to eat and look after yourself too. It is exhausting so be sure to accept offers of help if you can. You don’t have to do it all alone!
29. Recovery is bittersweet
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The recovery after having a baby can be quite bittersweet. No matter how your birth went, there is going to be some element of recovery involved and it can feel like it is taking forever to feel almost normal again. And on top of your recovery, you also have a baby to look after! So rest when you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourself!
30. But you’ve never felt anything like this
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Any mom will tell you that the feelings that come with childbirth are completely alien until you go through it yourself. They might be what you expected: a gush of love and a strong need to protect your little bundle; or they might be completely different: like if you don’t get that bond or feeling straight away. Nothing can prepare you for what occurs but we hope that this list has given you a little insight and reassured you a little!