1. A journal

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A journal is a great way to improve your mental health. You can use it to write about your day and get all your feelings out, whether they are positive or negative, and feel a weight lifted from talking about it. You can also write down things you’re grateful for, to encourage you to feel more positive.

2. A yoga mat

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Yoga is a great hobby to have if you want to spend some time relaxing. And you don’t need to leave your home to do it! YouTube will show you hundreds if not thousands of videos of yoga routines that you can follow along with, you just need a simple yoga mat and some time for yourself.

3. A water bottle

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Drinking enough water is a huge foundation leading to a healthier lifestyle. Get yourself a large water bottle you can carry round the house with you and make sure you finish it. It’s recommended we drink 2 Litres of water every day, and there’s water bottles out there that even tell you what you should have drunk by what time of the day to help you stay on track!

4. House plants

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You may not believe me, but it’s a proven fact that house plants can improve your mental health! Surrounding yourself with greenery is known to give you a boost, and certain house plants will reduce anxiety specifically. Start with something small and easy to look after, then build your jungle from there!

5. Dark chocolate

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Dark chocolate contains caffeine, flavanoids and theobromine which are thought to work together to improve alertness and mental skills. We’re unfortunately not recommending that you change your diet to include mostly chocolate, but a few pieces every few days may help to boost your mental health.

6. A colouring book

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Mindful colouring has been on the rise over the past few years. No, it’s not just for kids! If you’re feeling stressed or anxious then take some time out, pick a nice pattern and get colouring. It will work to take your mind off whatever you’re worrying about and then action of colouring will help calm you down.

7. A coffee machine

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Coffee drinking is linked with lower rates of depression. So start your morning with a nice cup of coffee! Not only will the routine set you up for the day, you will feel more awake and energised. If you don’t like coffee, they try black tea or green tea. Or if you can’t have caffeine, why not try a herbal tea to start your day?

8. Bath salts

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Baths are known to be relaxing, so make time for yourself to have a nice, warm bath once a week. Get yourself some nice bath salts for some extra luxury. Ones that contain epsom salts will work to soothe and relax your muscles, and any with essential oils and scents like lavender will have you feeling relaxed in no time.

9. A pet

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Animals can lower your stress hormone, cortisol, and boost your happy hormone, oxytocin, all just from spending some time with them. So, if you can, a little furry pet at home with you will do wonders for your mental health. If you can’t have one all the time, you could always volunteer to dog sit for your friends.

10. A book

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There’s no better way to escape real life than diving into a really good book. Even if you think you’re not much of a reader, you should give it a go! Have an easy reading paperback next to your bed, or even a kindle so you can get a new book as easy as one click, it’s much better for your mental health than sitting in front of the TV!

11. Vitamins

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Omega-3 is linked to reduced rates of depression and schizophrenia, along with many other health benefits. You can get these from supplements or from oily fish like salmon, flaxseed, walnuts and more. Vitamin B12 and other types of B vitamins can also help the chemicals in your brain and improve your mental health.

12. A soft bed

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A good nights sleep is a key feature of living a healthy lifestyle for both mental and physical gain. If you don’t get enough sleep, your brain will be tired and you’re more likely to be irate or anxious. You can help this along by having a soft, supportive bed that will look after your body well enough to allow you to sleep.

13. Some light weights

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Exercise releases endorphins and you don’t have to venture far to get that! You can buy yourself a set of light weights or even use tinned food and a backpack full of books if you wanted! Follow along with a YouTube workout or get one of the many home workout apps available. I promise your brain will feel happier after!

14. A speaker

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Get on your dancing shoes! Nothing will boost your mood more than blasting your favourite tunes and dancing round your house. Whether you’re doing the cleaning and need a distraction, or just feeling a bit down and need a pick me up. I guarantee a dance party will make you feel much better.

15. A fan

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The optimum temperature for sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. If your bedroom is too hot, you will be tossing and turning all night and your sleep will be disrupted. Investing in a fan will help you control the temperature of your room, and the gentle noise might even help you drift off.

16. A fully stocked kitchen

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Eating nutritious and full meals is one of the fundamental steps to improving both your physical and mental health. Your mental health can’t function properly if your body isn’t being fed properly. So stock your kitchen with healthy and tasty foods and never let yourself skip a lunch break on a work day.

17. A separate office

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Most of us work from home nowadays and that makes it even harder to separate work from home life, so it’s something you really need to prioritise to keep your mental health above board. If you can, set up your office in a room of its own, so you can close the door at the end of the day, and if you can’t invest in a screen or similar to physically separate your desk from the rest of your lounge.

18. A cosy blanket

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Your environment must be inviting if you truly want to relax in it. So you should decorate it how you will enjoy it! Maybe your bedroom will be adorned with fairy lights or your sofa full of the softest and cosiest blankets, as long as you can settle down and take a moment to yourself in the happy space you created, your mental health will benefit.

19. A bedtime sleep spray

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Sleep can be hard to come by, especially for the anxious mind. We have listed some other household must haves to help give you the best chance of a great nights sleep, but using a sleep spray is another. They’re often made with scents like lavender which are known to be relaxing. You spritz them on your pillow before you sleep and the scents will help relax you into sleep.

20. A weighted blanket

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The theory of a weighted blanket is that the pressure feeling it gives you is the same stimulation as a hug. This can help calm the nervous system and tells your brain it’s time to relax, therefore reducing anxiety. Plus, they’re super cosy! So a win win all round.

21. A meditation app

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Your journey to meditation is only a click of a button away. There are so many great apps around that you won’t regret downloading. Meditation can be one of the greatest tools for your mental health and a way to calm you down during panic attacks or just switch off before you go to sleep. Either way, if you haven’t tried it yet, what are you waiting for?

22. An eye mask

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As we know, sleep is a very important part of our daily routine, and specifically good quality sleep. To avoid any potential wake ups or distractions, you should use an eye mask to sleep in. A good nights sleep will improve your mental health tenfold. You can even get eye masks with lavender to help sooth your senses into a restful sleep.

23. Some trainers

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You must have a good pair of trainers at home. Then, if you’re feel down in the dumps, grab them and get yourself outdoors. Maybe it’s just a walk around the block on your lunch break, or maybe you want to go for a run to burn off the stresses of the day. Either will be a great step towards improving your mental health.

24. A TV

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Sometimes all you need is a night on your sofa binge watching your favourite TV series. Those rom com classics like Sex and the City can go a long way in making you feel better after a rubbish day. Losing yourself in fictional reality for a few hours can sometimes be all the mental health boost you need.

25. Cleaning products

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Cleaning your living space is shown to reduce anxiety, because clutter and mess heightens anxiety. I know it sounds like a boring job, but cleaning can be really therapeutic if you let it! Blast your favourite album and get to work. Your floors will never sparkle so much and I guarantee you’ll be feeling better at the end.

26. A tick list

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A tick list doesn’t have to be a To Do list. Some people can get very overwhelmed with a To Do list and give themselves far too many tasks to complete and end up beating themselves up when they don’t get them all done. So why not try a ‘Done’ list? Write down all the things you HAVE done today and then give yourself a pat on the back for all you’ve accomplished.

27. Clean bedding

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There is genuinely no better feeling than getting into a bed with fresh sheets on. Everyone deserves that feeling, especially if they’re having a low day. So if you’re not feeling too great, do something for yourself and change your sheets. I promise you it will give you a little boost when you come to climb into bed at the end of the day.

28. A podcast subscription

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Some people genuinely are not readers, and that’s okay! Thankfully, there are a lot more ways to get your news and information now than just books and blogs. Podcasts are a great way to unwind and engross in something other than what you’re stressing about. It could be a mental health podcast talking you through coping exercises or an interview with one of your favourite celebs, both will have you forgetting what you were worried about in the first place.

29. A DIY project

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There is no more satisfying feeling than upcycling some old furniture into something brand new. A DIY project is a great way to keep your mind busy and focussed. Maybe your chest of drawers need a lick of paint to brighten up your bedroom, or maybe you’re feeling brave enough to even paint some artwork for your lounge – any project like this will keep your mind light and free.

30. A notebook

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Having a blank notebook around is great for jotting down random thoughts and feelings. You can use it to make lists of jobs to do, so you feel focussed throughout the day, or maybe you can use it to make other lists. Sometimes making a list of everything you have to look forward to will make you feel grateful for how amazing your life is.


Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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