Could you imagine being a member of the Royal family? Everything you do is in the public eye, the media try and catch you off guard whenever you leave your house. Some are born into that life and other’s marry into it. Either way, it can’t be easy when there are photographers waiting to catch your every move. I always wondered what these photographers did with the bad photos that they took of famous people. Now we know because what you are about to see is a batch of very unflattering photos of the princess who obviously tries very hard to make sure that these mistakes don’t happen.
Even so, when we are talking to each other, we are not always looking picture perfect. Have you ever had a photo of her taken during mid-sentence? That’s probably the first time that you realized that you make an ugly face when you talk about certain things. This is human. We are full of character and when it comes to being royalty, there is no difference. Unfortunately, when Kate is being in full character, her unflattering photos get smeared all over the internet to remind her that she’s not as perfect as anyone might think.
However, this is probably a good thing and we can only hope that Kate has some thick skin when it comes to having to look through some of these awful photos. All we can say to her is that no matter how bad she looks, she’s still our favorite. . . And we mean that with all of our hearts while we check out some of these photos that Kate would rather not have us noticing at all. I mean, it’s just poor taste to indulge in someone else’s misery. . . But we don’t mean any harm. Maybe it even makes us feel good about ourselves!
It isn’t all bad though, you instantly gain the admiration of millions of people from around the world the minute you are born. You have access to unlimited funds, special privileges and get to visit some amazing places around the world. So, what’s the harm is us dishing out a few, bad photos that make her look less than perfect! Of course, we are all used to seeing the pretty pictures (which Kate has a lot of) but once in a while, it’s funny to see her look like a wreck, even when she is out in the public’s eye! One wrong glance or awkward face is all the paparazzi needs to snap a horrible shot.
Would you do it? Some people just love the privacy and couldn’t handle having everything they say recorded and analyzed in the public domain and newspapers. They wouldn’t be up for the paparazzi harassing them on a simple visit to a friends house. Most would go insane at the thought. Not Kate Middleton though, she is an expert at staying sharp and disappointing the press by always being alert. But everyone has their off days, and below are 16 times the cameras caught Kate Middleton off guard. Hey, it may not always be easy, but it’s always worth it when you can catch an ugly picture of the princess.
1. This picture was taken at the Epsom Derby.
This snap was taken at Epsom Downs racecourse in Surrey in 2011.
You wouldn’t have her down as a big horse racing fan, so there is no wonder she looks bored out of her mind.
2. This was taken in Portsmouth while Kate was visiting the America’s World Cup Series.
This photo is taken whilst Kate is dressed down in much more relaxed attire than usual.
It is crazy how some people expect her to dress up all of the time, surely she can wear jeans and avoid criticism. It’s not as if she’s wearing PJ’s.
3. Kate and Will trying to hold the laughter back.
Will looks like he is ready to burst out laughing and Kate looks very amused.
They look like they get along very well which is nice, not sure they appreciated this pap getting his camera in their face though.
4. This one caught Kate at a bad moment.
Kate is a very classy woman who undoubtedly has access to the best beauty accessories.
So she will be disappointed that this camera has caught her in a state of shock.
5. Trying to control her child.
It must be crazy being the mother of an actual legitimate princess.
This cameraman has caught her in a tough moment attempting to plead with the princess. The scrutiny must be tough to handle, but she does it so well.
6. Trying to control 2 children.
Any parent would sympathise with Kate here. Trying to juggle two children can be stressful at the best of times, never mind with a camera poked in your face.
Yet kate manages to do it all whilst wearing heels and a dress. Good effort!
7. Kate parenting in the spotlight again.
Have you ever had to deal with a misbehaving toddler, whilst carrying another toddler on your knee?
I can’t imagine she would be enjoying being snapped whilst trying to get the kids sorted. She was clearly caught off guard with this one.
8. Kate looking a bit distracted.
Judging from this picture it appears she is in some form of military function, which doesn’t exactly sound like a barrel of laughs.
Never mind criticising her for looking bored, it’s a miracle she managed to stay awake!
9. Kate looking dumbfounded.
Whilst on a trip to the Netherlands this photo was snapped, not exactly painting Kate is a Royal like light.
Who knows what she was looking shocked at, a funny fancy dress, a weird dutch joke? Maybe if the camera crew took the lens off Kate for a moment we would know.
10. Kate visiting the air cadets.
A windswept Kate is snapped here visiting the air cadets at RAF Wittering.
It is clear that she is putting on a brave face despite probably wishing she had stayed in bed.
11. Kate not looking best pleased.
It’s obvious here that Kate is upset by something or someone.
If I got photographed every time I pulled my face or rolled my eyes at someone, the media would be very busy.
12. Kate watching her team lose.
This picture is quite cute, she looks as if she is struggling to watch.
It looks by her face that Kate’s team is losing. Not an ideal time for a photo shoot really.
13. Kate looking exhausted.
The ever professional Kate looks on this one like she is doing one of her dozens of public appearances a week, and has hit a brick wall.
We all get tired at work but at least we don’t have a bunch of cameras aimed in our faces.
14. Kate looking very disappointed.
It looks in this shot like she has got up to make a drink and somebody has jumped in her seat.
The Duchess surely isn’t allowed to show any facial expression, is she? Ridiculous.
15. Kate cringing.
Kate is not caught in a great moment here, cringing at something she has seen at a sporting event. A bad injury perhaps.
Or maybe her team was losing again? Do the cameras not turn up when Kate’s team win?
16. A good old-fashioned eye roll.
Nothing is more universally recognised than an eye roll.

And Kate pulls off the mother of all eye rolls here as she is being rushed. Good on you Kate.
17. Kate & Justin getting on.
I mean, most women who meet Justin Trudeau react the same. We all saw that photo of Ivanka Trump giving him the eye when he went to The White House.

He’s a good looking man isn’t he and it looks like he’s turned on the charm for William and Kate.
18. Kate’s face when she REALLY doesn’t want someone to take a picture of her.
I often wonder how it must feel to have complete strangers taking photos of you where ever you go. It must be frustrating sometimes, constantly living in the spotlight.

I guess Kate knew what she was getting herself into when she got involved with Prince William. Imagine having people taking photos of you from every angle, just imagine all of the awful photos of you there would be on the internet.
19. It looks like that little boy really p*ssed her off.
Who knew Kate could look so severe? She always looks so chilled and mellow in every photo we see of her. THIS one, however, shows her in a different light ?

I wonder what this boy did to annoy her so much? Hahahaha! Poor thing.
20. Kate proving even the weather won’t put her in a bad mood.
Smiles all round.

21. This paparazzi knew exactly what he was doing with this picture.
Talk about in the wrong place at the wrong time.

22. I don’t think cricket is Kate’s sport.
Kate’s a very classy lady, even when she’s failing at something, she still somehow looks pretty! I wish I looked like this most days. We’ve all seen that photo of Kate playing Volleyball, I don’t think that was her sport either somehow….

I suppose when you’ve got all that wealth and someone to look after you morning, noon and night, you would look good!
23. The “I don’t know where to look” face.
The Duchess of Cambridge seemed surprised to meet a semi-naked male toa wearing a thong upon arrival at Wellington’s Government House in New Zealand.

I’m surprised her cheeks aren’t the same colour as her hat and coat because mine certainly would be knowing all the people in the crowd could see my reaction to what was stood in front of me.
Now let’s take a look of images of Kate looking at her best:
1. Simplistic beauty.
Kate is looking beautiful in an elegant and simple dress.
2. Royal blue top fit for Royalty.
Great smile and wonderful royal blue top.
3. Looking amazing even in the cold.
Pretty expression and nice fluffy hat. Overall a fantastic outfit for cold weather.
4. Ready to take on the day.
She looks ready for whatever is coming her way with that confident smile and expression.
5. Genuine happiness.
A nice happy smile to finish off.
Here are 10 Strict Royal Rules Kate Middleton Must Always Abide By!
The Royal Family have always fascinated the general public. Whether you like or dislike them, they’re a pretty interesting family to say the least. There have been scandals, affairs and family feuds over the years but we all seem to be intrigued as to what goes on behind closed doors.
Do they have to curtsy to the Queen every time they enter a room? Do they watch normal TV like we do? What do they wear when they’re just chilling out around the house?
Here are 10 rules that won’t be going away anytime soon:
1. Never remove your coat in public.
Ever noticed you’ve never seen Kate take her coat off in public? Even when she’s sat indoors and looks relatively uncomfortable? Well, according to the Royals, taking your coat off in public is deemed unladylike. Hmmm.
So rather than removing her coat when she’s sat in a warm room, Kate sits there, without removing her jacket unless she is away from any cameras.
2. Always wear nude nail polish.
Ever wondered what Kate does in her spare time? Goes for manicures? Well, you’ve got that wrong. She always wears different variations of the same outfits for etiquette reasons and she never wears nail polish really, because her grandmother-in-law frowns upon it. So if she does wear it, it has to be nude. I wonder if Meghan Markle will have to stick to these rules?
3. Avoid holding hands in public.
We’ve already seen Meghan Markle and Prince Harry hold hands quite a lot, especially since media attention has been upped since they announced their engagement. All we seem to be seeing at the moment is those two attend different conferences all the while looking as loved up as ever.
BUT when it comes to Kate and Will, it’s a different story. The reason they don’t hold hands in public is because they’re at work. Their work might not be like ours but when they’re attending public engagements, it’s deemed inappropriate. They did hold hands on Christmas Day though.
4. Always pack black on trips abroad.
Why does she always need to pack black you ask? Well, it’s in case a relative dies. Before heading on tour, all royals have to have an emergency black outfit for when they touch down in the UK. A bit of a depressing thought, I know but if you’re a royal then that’s one of the rules you have to follow.
The Queen flew home from East Africa when she found out about her father’s death. She was ready to land in an all black outfit.
5. Always curtsy to the most senior royal.
You might have already guessed this one, but Kate has to curtsy to the Queen and so does Meghan for that matter. You are expected to bow, in the case of a male or curtsy if you’re a female. When Kate and Meghan are with their husbands, then princesses will also be obliged to curtsy to them.
Can you imagine how boring that must get?
6. You don’t get to decide when your meal is over.
When your life isn’t really your own, you have to do things the way you’re told. Even down to when you can finish eating. When you’re in the presence of the Queen, you finish your meal when she does and so does everybody else. It’s against the rules to continue eating at mealtime once her utensils are on the table (can you imagine how annoying that must be?)
7. You must hold your teacup properly.
Not only are you told how and when you can finish eating your dinner, but you’re told how to hold your teacup and there is a correct way to hold a cup apparently. You should pinch the top of the hands with your thumb and index finger; holding the handle at a specific angle and drinking from the exact same spot. So next time you see a picture of one of the royals (Kate in particular) holding a teacup, you’ll see she’ll be holding it in that exact way.
8. You must always wear a hat.
When it comes to formal wear, Kate is expected to always have headwear on. Back in the day, female royals would never even leave the palace without some sort of headpiece, but as times have changed, so have the royal family and female royals are only expected to wear headpieces to special affairs like Ascot, weddings and church ceremonies.
Diana Mather, a senior tutor for The English Manner etiquette consultancy, told the BBC last year the history behind the rule: “Up until the 1950s, ladies were very seldom seen without a hat as it was not considered ‘the thing’ for ladies to show their hair in public. But all that has changed and hats are now reserved for more formal occasions.”
The same rules apply for tiaras. You will be assigned your own diamonds but this only happens after your wedding. So you might start seeing Meghan in a tiara more often.
“The old rule is that hats are never worn indoors after 6pm, because that is when the ladies changed into evening dress, and tiaras and the family jewels would come out,” she added.
“Flashy diamonds and tiaras are not worn during the day, and only married ladies wear tiaras. For married ladies, it was a sign of status and would show you were taken and not looking for a husband.”

9. Never wear wedges.
This rule applies when Queen Elizabeth is around. She’s not a fan and has let the women in the family know about it. So you’ll only ever see Kate in a pair of wedges when Lizzie is nowhere to be seen.
10. You must sit in a certain way.
There are ladylike ways to sit down which is why you’ll never see a royal wearing something too short. There’s also the ‘duchess slant’ that Kate has mastered.
Here are some facts you probably didn’t know about Kate and her sister Pippa…
1. They have a younger brother.
You’ve probably noticed him before, he’s the guy with Pippa & Kate in all of the pap photos. He’s a 30-year-old entrepreneur & his name is James. He’s the youngest sibling and tends to stay away from the limelight as much as he possibly can. He’s usually been papped when he’s gone to Wimbledon with his sisters and he also took part in a charity bike race last year with his sister Pippa.
In an interview with Mail Online last year, he said “My sisters were very successful and confident. It was, ‘Oh, you are Pippa’s brother! Are you Catherine’s brother?’ And so I was automatically put into the top sports teams and academic sets. But I was a bit of a squirt when I first started, so then it would be, ‘Are you sure you’re a Middleton?’
“I am very proud to be ‘the little brother of…’ but, equally, they are proud that I am who I am.”
2. They were once roommates.
When Catherine broke up with Prince William for a short time in 2007, they lived together in Chelsea.
In Kate’s biography, it said;
“The two girls would have spray tans and blow-dries together, and decide which social events to attend. For some time, Kate had felt like she wanted to edge towards a more stable and mature lifestyle, favouring chilled nights at home and family events. However, she was still only twenty-five, and was now a single girl with the world at her feet – and a taxi waiting outside.”
3. Pippa is the more outgoing one.
Kate was described as a bit of a loner when she was younger. Despite being the Duchess of Cambridge, having to meet world leaders weekly.
“Things got better by the time Kate was 18 as she’d be invited to parties and Pippa would always want to tag along,” the insider explained. “As always, all the attention would go to Pippa and she’d compete with her sister over boys. In fact, Kate tended to get dating advice from her little sister.”
4. Kate wasn’t a bridesmaid at Pippa’s wedding.
It wasn’t because of a grudge she was holding against her, it was because of antiquated etiquette rules.
“British tradition dictates that bridesmaids should always be unmarried and should be younger than the bride; indeed, many aristocratic British brides have children as their bridesmaids.”
5. They competed together growing up.
They both played field hockey on the same boarding school team that they attended as teenagers, Marlborough College. They were both very athletic, Pippa biked across America, she runs marathons and competed in ski races. Kate swims, runs and does a lot of yoga.
6. They still spend a lot of time with each other.
Pippa opened up to Matt Lauer in a 2014 interview on The Today Show. “We do we have a very normal, sisterly relationship,” Pippa told the host. “We’re very close. And, you know, we support each other and get each other’s opinions and things.”
“Obviously she has pressures that she’s taken on and things, but we spend a lot of time together. We still do a lot together as a family. And I think that’s really the heart for all of us is having a really close family that we can sort of be normal with each other, treat each other normally. And that’s sort of kept us all, you know, affixed to the ground.”
7. Pippa and her husband have a bit of history.
They announced their engagement after a year of dating but they have some history already, They dated in 2012 but went separate ways when Pippa moved on with financier Nico Jackson. They rekindled their relationship at the end of 2015 and have been together and got married since.
8. Who is Pippa’s husband?
For anyone who watches Made in Chelsea, James Matthews is the brother of Spencer Matthews. He manages a hedge fund and he named it after his parents’ Caribbean Resort in St Barth’s (Eden Rock).
9. Kate wanted to have an acting career when she finished school.
She first appeared in a school play aged 11 when she won the lead role of ‘Eliza’ in the classic stage musical of My Fair Lady.
10. Their mother.
Carole Middleton was the daughter of a builder, she grew up in Southall, West London and went to a state school. She met her husband Michael while working as a flight attendant for British Airways. While Carole was pregnant with James in 1987, she founded their family business, Party Pieces, which is now a multi-million-pound company.
11. Their father.
His father was a pilot and Michael became an air steward before becoming a flight dispatcher for British Airways. He inherited a comfortable sum from his paternal-grand parents but he and Carole have made a huge success of their business too.
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