Trick or treat!

Trick or treating was one of the best things about Halloween. We had a big decision on our hands trying to figure out which route to take with our pals (or parents) and which houses would offer up the most sweets. Those were the days! What were your favourite Trick-or-treating memories? Here are some classics that are certain to bring out all the nostalgic spooky feels!


1. Getting Money Instead Of Sweets

Sometimes, you’d get lucky when you were trick or treating and hit the jackpot! If someone was kind enough to offer up some hard cash instead of sweets, we were quick to accept that generosity!

Image Source: /Manchester Evening News

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Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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