11 Things You’ll Only Remember If You Had Bebo

The things that were important to us as kids seems crazy now but at the time we had to get it right or it was cataclysmically the end of the world.

Bebo was one of those very important things. One of the OG, noughties social networking sites, this paved the way for us to be addicted to Instagram and Facebook.

See how many of these things you can remember from having Bebo back in the day. Share the luvs!

Spending hours pondering the positions on your top friends list

You had to make sure that it was just right and we spent hours worrying about it.

And spending longer checking that we had prime position on our friend’s profile

We had to check that were still high profile to our friends. If not, then they were definitely getting the chop from ours too!

We had to make sure our profile skin was the coolest

Otherwise, we just thought it would be absolute social suicide.


Taking photos that were just far too bright

Long before the days of posing on Instagram, our selfies were way too bright and we didn’t understand exposure. Still, we thought it was better than actually seeing our full face.


Captioning our photos with super emotional lyrics

In reality, we were either upset about something trivial or we were just doing it to appear moody and mysterious. We loved getting those ‘U ok hun?’ messages.


Begging people to share the ‘luv’ with you

This was were we were originally begging for likes! Always had to get to the next hundred!


But being careful who you shared your luvs with

After all, you only had 3 and you had to use them wisely.


That feeling when your crush agreed to be your other half

It basically felt like you were engaged and you were both going to live a long and happy life together.


Or getting your friend to fill in if you didn’t have a crush

Your bestie was always there to fill in as your other half. You just had to hope that they didn’t find anyone else to fill the gap.


Filling your blog section with totally irrelevant information that wasn’t even true

Yeah I’ve skydived and swam the great barrier reef. Obviously.


And wRiting 3v3rthing like tHi5 <3

For God knows what reason…



Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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