However as the minutes tick on and sharks begin to circle the waters beneath them, the couple’s chance of survival grows smaller.
A true story…
After taking a closer look, it turns out that this 2003 film took its inspiration from a very real story.
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The movie was based on the disappearance Tom and Eileen Lonergan who went scuba-diving in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef in 1998.
Tom and Eileen Lonergan…
Much like in the film, the couple returned to the surface to find their boat had left without them. None of the crew or their fellow divers had even noticed their absence. It wasn’t until two days later that they were realised to be missing after their belongings were found on the diving boat.
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An air and sea search took place over the following three days and during this time some of their equipment was found washed up on the shore far from where they were diving. It was then assumed that the couple had drowned despite their bodies never having been found.
A tragic end…
Tragically, fishermen also came across a diver’s slate which is said to have read;
“Monday Jan 26; 1998 08am. To anyone who can help us: We have been abandoned on A[gin]court Reef by MV Outer Edge 25 Jan 98 3pm. Please help to rescue us before we die. Help!!!”
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