I’m not sure what man at the time would turn down that kind of offer from a Princess?
Princess Diana took her sons to watch his rugby game…

“Diana was worried she was looking too skinny and bony across the shoulders.
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“Will went to the palace to give her personal training and they saw each other almost every day at the gym.
Will and Julia before their divorce…

“He was smuggled in the back of her car under a blanket from the gym but there was no affair.”
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The flirting continued when Diana took her two sons to watch a rugby game.
Carling’s wife Julia later lashed out, saying:
“I am sad that Will put himself in that position, and that the Princess did as well. This has happened to her before, and you hope she won’t do these things again, but obviously she does.”
Will was warned to stay away from Diana…

Just like a lot of stories made up about the Princess, some were true some were not so true and I guess we will never find out what really happened with this particular ‘love story’…
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