8. Will Carling.
Diana was at the height of her popularity, she was looking the best she ever had and she was living her life just how she wanted.
Diana and Will met in the early 90s…

As rumours were circulating about Diana and John Kennedy Jnr, so did rumours about a fling with an England rugby player – like some of her other love interests, he too was married.
Cue Will Carling…
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Princess Di was loved by many, that’s for sure…but not by everyone; one person being Will Carling’s wife and TV presenter Julia Carling.
The pair became ‘friends’…

Now a lot of rumours went around about Diana and Carling and a lot of them will probably be complete and utter rubbish.
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But one thing is for sure, Will’s now ex-wife Julia blamed Diana for the breakdown of her marriage.
Will’s ex-wife blames Diana for their marriage breakdown…

After meeting each other at the Harbour Club in Chelsea, West London; Diana, eyed up the hunky sportsman, asking him for ‘private training sessions’.
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