Even with a healthy, thorough teeth-cleaning routine, it’s sometimes still difficult to remove those troublesome marks, whether it be dark or yellow, coffee or wine or those general ‘I don’t even know what that is’ stain. With these simple tricks you can do from home, you should start noticing the difference in your dazzling smile in no time.

TIP 20: Coconut Oil

This oil is a popular choice because it has a pleasant taste and many health benefits; it is high in lauric acid, which means it kills bacteria and reduces inflammation.

HOW: Put 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth, push and pull oil through teeth and continue for 15-20 mins

TIP 19: Apple cider vinegar & regular toothpaste

The vinegar will work at sorting those stains on your teeth and the toothpaste helps to freshen up your mouth afterwards.

HOW: Use the apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash, brush your teeth with it and then finally brush your teeth with toothpaste

TIP 18: Baking soda and water

Brushing with a paste made of soda and water can reduce bacteria and buff away those stains.

HOW: Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with the paste

TIP 17: Use fruit and vegetables: specifically, strawberries and pineapple

Crunchy fruit and veg can help to rub plaque away from your teeth; the enzymes in pineapples and the acid in strawberries have been claimed to help whiten teeth.

HOW: Eat crunchy fruit and vegetables, or mash up some strawberries and mix with baking soda to create a paste

TIP 16: Prevent stains before they happen

Sugar and staining foods and drinks really play havoc with your teeth; try and lessen your contact with them.

HOW: Try to avoid staining food and drinks, such as coffee and red wine, or at least brush your teeth as soon as possible afterwards

TIP 15: Drink through a straw

It may sound a little unsophisticated to slurp your wine through a straw, but leading on from the last tip, if you manage to do this – even if it’s just in the privacy of your own home – you can avoid contact with teeth altogether and thus avoid the extra staining.

Metal straws might work better than plastic or paper for drinking wine or coffee through

TIP 14: Lemon and orange peels

Citrus fruits contain beneficial acids to help with teeth whitening.

HOW: Rub your teeth with the peels and wash your mouth out afterwards

TIP 13: Activated charcoal

Charcoal may help whiten teeth by absorbing plaque and microscopic nuisances that cause staining.

HOW: Wet your toothbrush and dip into activated charcoal; brush your teeth as you normally would, rinsing your mouth out with water afterwards

TIP 12: Hydrogen Peroxide

This is a mild bleaching agent, which sounds scary but it means it’s really good at attacking the yellow on your teeth.

HOW: Rinse your mouth with mouthwash which already contains peroxide, or make a paste with baking soda and peroxide, brushing your teeth as normal; MAKE SURE you don’t swallow any of it!

TIP 11: Salt

Salt can replenish the lost minerals on your teeth and help them to look white again.

HOW: Brush your teeth with salt every morning like you would normal toothpaste

TIP 10: Holy basil

The leaves of this plant have whitening characteristics which can help your teeth.

HOW: Sit a holy basil plant in the sun for a few minutes, then grind a few dry leaves into a powder; mix the powder into your toothpaste and use as normal

TIP 9: Apples

The acids and fibres in this crunchy fruit can help rid your teeth of toxins and get that white smile.

HOW: Bite into one or two apples a day, making sure you chew the apple thoroughly so it can work its way around the teeth

TIP 8: Margosa/Neem

The Margosa plant (also called neem) is known to kill germs and clean your teeth, and its oil can even help cure bad breath.

HOW: You can use the leaves in cooking or boil the leaves and chew on them

TIP 7: The ashes of burnt bread

Now when your toast goes wrong, it doesn’t have to be such a waste – you can use the burnt bit to help with your teeth regime.

HOW: Use the burnt bits to brush your teeth like you would regular toothpaste

TIP 6: The ashes of rosemary

You can use burnt bits of rosemary to help get rid of stains on your teeth.

HOW: As with the burnt bread, you can use the burnt rosemary to brush your teeth with like you would normal toothpaste

TIP 5: Miswak

This time, this remedy is used in place of your actual toothbrush rather than your toothpaste. It is known for its natural teeth benefits.

HOW: Brush your teeth with the natural fibres instead of using your regular toothbrush (but brush your teeth normally too, of course)

TIP 4: Turmeric powder paste and water

Turmeric powder is a natural abrasive that can be used to remove surface stains.

HOW: Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with water and use as a paste to brush your teeth (be careful not to splash, though, it can stain)

TIP 3: Homemade toothpaste with coconut oil, baking soda, peppermint oil and cinnamon bark oil

HOW: Mix all ingredients together in a dish (only a few drops of peppermint oil needed) to create the paste then brush as normal

TIP 2: Banana peel rub

Bananas and their peel have a high level of minerals which can help whiten your teeth.

HOW: Rub the inside of the peel against your teeth for two minutes then rinse and brush normally

TIP 1: Floss your teeth

It may sound ridiculously obvious, but it’s a method many people overlook and can make a world of difference to the whitening of your teeth.

HOW: For best results, floss twice a day (morning and evening) alongside your usual teeth brushing



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