29. You can go an extra three days without washing your hair with your best friend ‘dry shampoo’
Yes, us girls actually have to plan our social events around when we are going to wash our hair. It is such an effort washing our hair and the whole process, including drying it, takes about an hour. So, fitting this mammoth task in our diaries 2 or 3 times weekly is such an effort! That is why we befriend a good old can of Batiste dry shampoo to stretch those hair wash days a little further apart!
30. Our hair falls out in the shower and we stick the remains to the wall of the shower
Gross… but we are ALL guilty of doing this. Girls with long hair are more than aware of washing your hair and having chunks of it fall out at a time. So, when we are in the shower the only thing to do is to string it across the tiles on the shower until it is no longer stuck on our hands.