Her mother had a discussion with her about body image and she let her know that she shouldn’t let the other girls get to her like that. Little did either of them know what was really going on with this little girl. It wasn’t until she was taken to the doctor for a routine checkup that they discovered something that no parent ever wants to hear about their child. This news literally rocked their world. So much so, that mom decided to not even tell her 11-year-old daughter what was going on with her body as she was being rushed to emergency specialists who immediately began to provide her with life saving treatments with hopes of getting her back to her old self. . . Eventually.
This story will have you wondering how this even happened to her and why it took so long to discover that something way horribly wrong:
It all started when she began to lose weight.

This story will have you wondering how this even happened to her and why it took so long to discover that something way horribly wrong: