Sea-Monsters, Astronauts And Unidentified Flying Objects!
Sea monsters have been at the centre of folklore for centuries, but it’s rare that they’re ever seen, let alone caught. Nessie eat your heart out!
4. Catching A Sea-Monster?!
Back in 1907, a group of 9 fishermen claimed to have captured a mythical sea creature known as the Cadborosaurus.
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The beast was believed to inhabit the Pacific Coast of North America and according to eyewitness accounts, it has been spotted in Alaska and Southern California!
5. Space Oddity…
In 1964, photographer and local historian, Jim Templeton, took this photo of his daughter and standing behind her the ”Solway Firth Spaceman” can be seen.
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The weird thing is, Templeton swears no one else was around when he took the picture and there were certainly no astronauts!
6. The Falcon Lake Incident!
On May 20 1967, Stefan Michalak was holidaying in Whiteshell Provincial Park when he noticed two cigar shaped objects coming towards him which burned him when he tried to touch them!
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