John Schneider as Bo Duke:
He would have been every woman’s dream come true; when the series was coming to an end, he met this lady:
John Schneider – Elvira Schneider

So, he fell in love and then married this lovely lady and had three kids!
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For a long time, he was a man in love and it was a bigger thrill than flying through the air in The General Lee!
Yee Haw!

Unfortunately, their love did not stand the test of time and they are currently divorced. In fact, he was ordered to pay her $18,911 / month in alimony and child support.
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She was just asking for way too much, even though she originally asked for a lot more!
This is something that he just couldn’t afford to do.

For that reason, he neglected to pay and has volunteered to go to jail as punishment. According to him, if he could afford to pay that much, he would. However, much of his money is caught up in debt…
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