19. Why are the girls always eating the same salads?!

You’ve probably noticed those salads, Kim, Kourtney and Khloe are always munching on…

They’re obsessed with these salads…

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You know the ones I’m talking about, they’re in a plastic bowl and they’re always eating them when they’re sat around at each other’s houses.

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Well, they’re from a local health food restaurant called Health Nut, in San Fernando Valley.

We rarely see them eating anything else…

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It’s a very ‘no-frills’ type of place – a place you’d be shocked to see any of the Kardashians in.

20. Kim’s earring was found.

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So, back onto the subject of Kim buying/doing ridiculous things…remember the time she wore $75,000 diamond earrings in Bora Bora and lost one when Kris threw her into the sea…

Kim thought her diamond earring was gone forever…

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Well, as much as we all thought it served her right for being such an idiot and wearing them in the middle of the day on a holiday like that, we all did kind of feel her pain slightly…

Kourtney was less than impressed…

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Ice queen Kourtney Kardashian, however, did not. And luckily for Kim, her little sister Kylie came to her rescue and swam to the bottom of the sea & found her earring.

Living proof that not all heroes wear capes!

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Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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