Our society is ever evolving to become a tech-driven world. It’s just where things are going and there’s not much we can do to change it. Google maps started quite a while ago and really it was just a web application that would let you put in two addresses and it would simply give you a print out on turn by turn directions. But things have sure changed over the years and Google maps have really become an interaction solution for directions but also the ability to see just about anywhere at street level.
In this article, we compiled a bunch of pictures that people have mined from Google maps that will blow your mind, scare you and make you laugh. So sit back and enjoy this post and make sure that you share this one with all of your friends.
1. Losing it all on Google Streets.
Well, it looks like they totally ruined their car and are crying about it on the side of the road.

Click NEXT PAGE to see more weird and wonderful Google street view blunders!