When 11-year-old Cherish-Rose Lavelle was complaining of stomach troubles in Queensland, Austrailia, she was eventually taken to a doctor who took one look at her and thought that she was pregnant. Her condition was such that nobody was quite sure what else it could be. Her stomach was inflated and her weakness was apparent but it wasn’t until the doctors investigated further that they discovered something much more sinister than an 11-year-old pregnant girl.
In fact, she had been exhibiting many symptoms but she was unaware of her condition as well and it apparently changed the way she behaved. Her mother says that she was not acting like her same, cheerful self and that she seemed melancholy and depressed a lot lately. Since her mother had no real clues as to why her daughter’s personality was changing, she was unsure on how to help out her daughter.
This story will have you wondering how this even happened to her and why it took so long to discover that something way horribly wrong:
It all started when she began to lose weight.
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In addition to the claims that other kids were making about this 11-year -old “gaining weight” her mother, Louise, was beginning to notice that her daughter was actually losing weight rapidly and so she decided to take her daughter to a routine checkup with the doctor. What happened after that was something that shocked everyone! There’s really nothing on earth that can prepare a parent for the news that she was about to hear but thankfully, she was now in good hands. Unfortunately, it was going to be a long road to recovery. . .
It wasn’t good news at all.
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Her mother was extremely concerned about her at this point, saying, “You always hear of families going through similar things but you never think it’ll happen to you. I was in Hervey Bay with my business on Friday, and she said to me she was tired all the time and lethargic. She was in a lot of pain, so the next day I took her to the doctors.” This was a smart move because what they discovered was going to change their lives and it was going to take an immense amount of effort in order to treat her condition and hopefully get her back to being a normal, teenage girl again.
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