Miley Stewart lives a double life as an average schoolgirl by day and an international teen idol Hannah Montana by night. Her father Robby Stewart is a successful country music singer under the stage name Robbie Ray and raises Miley, and her brother Jackson Stewart as a single father in Malibu, California after their mother Susan died. Miley’s best friend Lilly Truscott discovered her secret while attending a Hannah Montana concert. Later in the first season, Miley herself revealed her secret to their close friend Oliver Oken with the intention of ending his romantic interest in Hannah Montana. Lilly and Oliver assumed the aliases Lola Luftnagle and Mike Standley III when appearing with Hannah to protect her secret. Meanwhile, Jackson is employed at Rico’s Surf Shop, where his child-aged boss Rico Suave often assigns him to complete impossible tasks.

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Miley, Lilly, and Oliver begin high school in the second season. Rico, who starts high school after skipping several grades, nearly discovers Miley’s secret on several occasions. Later in the season, Miley admits to Jake Ryan, whom she initially disliked and later dated in the second season, that she is Hannah Montana. However, their briefly rekindled relationship ends after he struggles to adopt a standard, non-celebrity lifestyle, which Miley is concerned she will lose as a result of dating the actor.

Does this sound like your typical day after school? If you loved Hannah Montana, then this was your life every day! Who cared about homework when you could have been watching Miley and the gang in their sitcom that had millions watching daily. Although you may be a HUGE Hannah Montana fan, I bet there are still some things that you didn’t know about Miley and the rest of the cast. So we compiled a list of 30 things that we thought would be of interest to you.

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1. Miley almost didn’t get the job.

I know it’s hard to believe, but the role was supposed to go to JoJo. Luckily for Miley JoJo turned Disney down saying she didn’t want to be a manufactured artist. We also heard rumors that it was one of the most underpaid roles in the sitcom.

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Meet Andy, a distinguished writer at Daily Feed. With a profound dedication to the craft of journalism, Andy consistently produces refined and insightful content. His commitment to meticulous research and eloquent expression ensures that each article he contributes is both informative and engaging.

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