1 Jam Roly Poly
Ahhhh memories!
2 Argos Catalogue
Another catalogue to study besides Great Universal.
3 Mandy
I really looked forward to this comic, especially with a free gift.
4 Petticoat
We always wore one under a skirt so it lay properly.
5 Smitty
Well known perfume by Coty in the 70s – I still remember the advert.
6 Tree Top Dilute Orange Juice
I used to stand on a kitchen chair to reach up to the cupboard where mum kept the soft drinks.
7 Bird’s Dream Topping
Lovely with Rowntrees jelly and tinned fruit.
8 Homepride Flour
Remember the Homepride flour men.
9 Christmas Radio Times
This was an exciting time, scouring through the pages to see what was on at Christmas.
10 Crayola School Crayons
If it was raining at play time, out came the crayons.
11 Paint With Water
They sold these at the paper shop and they were about 5p!
12 Ice Cream Tub
We ate the ice cream wth a little wooden spoon at the cinema.
13 Trebor Black Jacks

Loved the aniseed chews at only 4 for a penny!