There is no denying that we all did some pretty embarrassing stuff when we were growing up.
Here are 12 things we can all relate to!
1. Pop Princess CD
We all used to have this CD when we were growing up!
There was nothing better than listening to this.
2. Drinking Frosty Jacks on the park
There was nothing better thank sitting on the park when you were younger with a bottle of this.
Looking back though, this was seriously embarrassing!
3. This top
There was nothing we wanted more than to have this top.
Who used to love EVERYTHING from Tammy Girl when we were younger?
4. Combat pants
These were the worst kind of pants that you could have bought when you were younger.
But, at the time there was honestly nothing cooler.
5. Bebo
We wasted so much of our life making our Bebo look really good.
There was nothing more embarrassing than some of the ‘skins’ we used to have.
6. MSN
This wasted so much of our lives when we were younger.
We would do anything to cram every single person’s name on our name!
7. This tea towel from school
This was a compulsory thing that we all had to do when we were at primary school.
These tea towels really showed how BAD we were at drawing!
8. Smarter Child
We all loved annoying this guy when we were younger.
There was nothing funnier than bugging him endlessly when you had no one else to talk to.
9. Doing karaoke
We loved doing a bit of karaoke when we were younger.
Who remembers this whenever you went to a family party?
10. Cutting your Bratz dolls hair
This was one of those things that we thought we did REALLY well.
When, in reality, we should never even have considered becoming hair dressers.
11. This jaw breaker
This was only embarrassing because we could never actually finish one of these.
But, each time we bought one we were adamant that we could do!
12. Fight with your siblings over the cereal toy
This was one thing that always ended up happening whenever a new box of cereal was opened.
You would get into HUGE arguments over a little plastic spoon.
13. Coke glasses from McDonald’s
You would only buy the certain meals that gave you the coke glass.
This was bad because half the time you didn’t even want these meals! Just the coke glass!