They were the best TV Shows back in the day, and we would ALL wish we were on them (especially Get Your Own Back when your mum wouldn’t let you leave the table until you’d eaten all your veg). Although we probably never applied to go on any of these when we were younger, we still had daydreams of us going on them. Whether it was completing the Way of the Warrior on Raven or collecting the Ruby monkeys on Jungle Run, we pictured ourselves smashing these game shows! Did anyone else used to get so into it that they were there shouting at there TV screens? I know I did!

See if you can spot any of your favourite game shows from your childhood!

This will definitely take you on a trip down memory lane.


1. Get Your Own Back

We all wanted to do this to our teachers or parents. The best part of the whole show was watching the kids pull the level and dunking their parents in the massive pool of gunge. It was only the cool parents that were willing to go on this show!

2. Gladiators

We all wanted to try this out! I think we all made a make shift Gladiators in our living rooms and battled our siblings. Without a doubt, this always ended up in tears and our parents getting involved because someone got too injured.

3. Crystal Maze

This guy really creeped me out big time but I was desperate to get my hands on a crystal ball! They have no brought it back to the UK in the Old Granada Studios in Manchester. Have you gone to try it out yet?! It looks like so much fun!

4. Takeshi’s Castle

I was desperate to run around like a mad man on this show. I think there was one channel that played this show CONSTANTLY on repeat. We weren’t bothered though because we actually couldn’t get enough of watching this, could we? So many hilarious moments!

5. Who Wants To Be a Millionaire

Did anyone else watch this religiously on a Saturday Night as practice for when they were gonna be on the show? You always had it planned out in your head who your one phone call was going to be to. Remember when they used to let laptops into the studio? Risky business!

6. Legends of the Hidden Temple

Can you all remember watching this one when we were younger? We honestly would have done anything to go on this show back in the day!

7. Robot Wars

Who else loved when their brothers watched this so they got to watch it too? It was SUCH a good one to watch. My brother used to be obsessed with watching this and he would get sound wound up when some of the designs were rubbish!

8. 50/50

Were you team blue or yellow?! They had entire classes from schools on this show. Sadly, our school was never actually chosen to participate on this show. It would have been madness if we were picked!

9. Blankety Blank

I wanted to go on this just to meet Lily Savage. We all remember watching this back in the day though, don’t we?!

10. Fear Factor

Looking back, I’m not quite sure why I wanted to go on this show. This looks absolutely horrific.. but sat behind the television screen we all gave it the big one saying that we could 100% complete it. I bet we really wouldn’t be able to if it actually came down to it!

11. Blind Date

I looked forward to Saturdays to watch this show!! Cilla Black was truly one of a kind, wasn’t she? She definitely made this show what it was! I wish they would bring this back for an extra season… everyone would watch it!

12. Wheel of Fortune

We all wanted a spin on this wheel! It was such a tense show to sit and watch… we all absolutely LOVED watching this!



Introducing Molly Atherton, a Scouser with a passion for storytelling and a degree in music journalism. As a dynamic writer at Daily Feed's UK entertainment section, Molly's keen eye for detail and knack for narrative captivates readers. Trusted for her fresh perspectives and exclusive insights, Molly brings the latest in entertainment to life for audiences worldwide.

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